Submit candidates to be considered for 2024 Board of Directors

Posted By: Kate McFadden Community,

The PRO Central Virginia Board of Directors and the PRO Metro DC Board of Directors are now inviting members to submit names of candidates to be considered for election to the 2024 boards. The Nominating Committees will consider nominations when choosing the final slate of candidates for election in December.  All nominations must be returned by email to by 5pm on Friday, August 30, 2024.

If elected, these individuals will serve as Directors beginning with the January 2024 Board of Directors meeting.  The individual nominating and the individual being nominated must be a representative of a PRO company in good standing.  Individuals are welcome to submit a nomination on behalf of themselves. 



Only persons designated as eligible to be elected to the Board of Directors are the official company representative of a PRO Central Virginia/Metro DC member company in good standing.  Past participation on a committee or task force is recommended.  Candidates must demonstrate being an active member through participating in association meetings, activities and events.   Candidates must commit to advance the mission and vision of PRO, and have the ability to make the necessary time commitment.


Purpose & Objectives

Both the PRO Central Virginia and Metro DC Board of Directors are elected by the membership to oversee the activities of the organization and is accountable to federal, state and local laws, and its members.  The Board sets the organization direction, ensures necessary resources and provides oversight.  The Board of Directors makes decisions on, but not limited to, mission and vision, annual goals/strategic plan; annual budget; approval of new members, policies and bylaws; establishment of boundaries of committees, task forces, councils and staff.  The Board of Directors monitors financial performance, member needs, member satisfaction, association and industry trends, industry needs, the local affiliate’s relationship with the national organization, PRO Inc. and other PRO Affiliates, performance of all contracted services, committees, staff and the Executive Director. 

Contact the Executive Director, Angela Hubbard at 804-304-7922 or for more information.

Make a nomination for the PRO Central Virginia Board

Make a nomination for the PRO Metro DC Board